Supportify | Real time mobile support system

Provide unique help/support to your users easily.

Thank you.

Now provide your valuable customers/users a better way to communicate with you.
Install our SupportSDK and let your user contact you instantly with one tap.

- Our package contains,


Android SupportifySDK Features

Web panel Features

  1. import supportify as a module to any of your project.

Follow Below screenshot to setup your dashbord.

After setting up your dashbord you can upload it your server


Before you can install the Firebase CLI, you will need to install Node.js on your machine. Once you've installed Node.js, you can install the Firebase CLI using npm (the Node Package Manager) by running the following command:


npm install -g firebase-tools

You should now have a globally available firebase command available from any terminal window on your machine. Once you've installed the Firebase CLI, sign in using your Google account:


firebase login

This command connects your local machine to your Firebase account and grants access to your projects. To test that authentication worked, you can run firebase list to see a list of all of your Firebase projects. The list should be the same as the projects listed at Firebase console.


You can make sure your Firebase CLI is up to date by re-running the installation command:


npm install -g firebase-tools


Many common tasks performed by the CLI, such as deployment, require a Project Directory. A project directory is a any directory that has a firebase.json configuration file. The project directory should generally be the same as your source control root, and firebase.json generally lives alongside README and other top-level files.


Open Supportify dashbord sorce and run 

firebase init





  • You need to add admin users to your firebase account. to prevent unautorized access to your TrackMe admin panel.
  • to do so goto your firebase console and select your project.